Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed, visited the newly renovated Alnwick Playhouse to see for herself the works that have been carried out.
The MP was met by Playhouse Manager Jo Potts, who gave her a guided tour of the new theatre and library. The Playhouse closed in the summer to enable the works to be carried out by Northumberland County Council as part of a £3.3million development project.
Anne-Marie said of the new complex: “This is a truly transformation from the old Playhouse and the inclusion of a library was a great idea. They have utilised the space with ingenuity and flare, creating a warm and friendly venue that can be used by the residents of Alnwick and visitors throughout the day. I am very impressed with the final outcome and this will continue to be a great asset for Alnwick in the future.”
The development improved the theatre to include increased legroom and a new hearing aid loop system to improve accessibility. The Playhouse also boasts a refurbished interior, new restaurant and café and new lift facilities.
Photos: Anne-Marie with Alnwick Councillor Gordon Castle and Playhouse manager Jo Potts in the new theatre auditorium.