Anne-Marie Trevelyan, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Berwick has lent her support to the “ban the bolt” campaign and has written to the Secretary of State at DEFRA, Elizabeth Truss to call for a change in the law to protect unwanted greyhounds from suffering inhumane deaths. Thousands of ex-racing greyhounds, and those who did not make the grade or our otherwise unwanted, are believed to be destroyed each year. The law currently allows the legal owners to destroy the dogs by bolt gun which is the most 'economical' way but often results in a slow and painful death. The 'Ban the Bolt' campaign is calling for Defra to immediately ban the use of captive bolt guns in the UK and for the Destruction of greyhounds to only be performed by use of intravenous euthanasia, administered by qualified veterinary surgeons. In April 2010 the RCVS announced that use of the captive bolt guns on dogs was inappropriate. Anne-Marie Trevelyan has been approached by campaigners and has pledged her support and to investigate further; “ this seem to be a barbaric method of getting rid of unwanted greyhound dogs, when there are both resettlement options and humane veterinary methods for putting down old or unwanted dogs. As a dog owner myself I am dismayed to think that we have legislation which still allows unnecessary harm to dogs, so I have written to the Secretary of State at DEFRA calling on her to review this piece of legislation.”